Son Truong Nguyen

Undergraduate Student / Incoming Data Scientist

About Me

Hello, I’m Son Truong Nguyen :)) I am undergraduate student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. I was advised by Prof. Vinh Quang Dinh. I am currently working in artificial intelligence, computer vision and data science.

My research interests are to understand artistic visual data (e.g. paintings, photographs, anime), facilitate deep generative models, and allow users to recreate images (e.g. style transfer, colorization).

I desire to get a full-ride scholarship in the future to pursue a master’s degree in computer science. I will also become a Data Scientist that bring decision making and predictive analytics to the data industries.

If you have any opportunities that could help me achieve my dream, please contact with me. I will be gratefull for any help you can provide.


Publications (Conference)

Deep Feature Rotation for Multimodal Image Style Transfer

Son Truong Nguyen, Nguyen Quang Tuyen, and Nguyen Hong Phuc

8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), Oral Presentation, Hanoi, 2021

[Paper] [Code] [Presentation] [Bibtex]

Publications (Journal)

Deep Correlation Multimodal Neural Style Transfer

Nguyen Quang Tuyen, Son Truong Nguyen, Tae Jong Choi, and Vinh Quang Dinh

IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 141329-141338, 2021.



2021.05. HackerEarth Machine Learning Challenge: How NOT to lose a customer in 10 days: Ranked 4th/4293

2021.02. HackerEarth Deep Learning Challenge: ‘Tis STILL the season to be jolly: Ranked 20th/3393

2020.12. Developer Circle Innovation Challenge 2020: 1st Runner-up

2020.05. Vietnam Online Hackathon 2020: Third Price